Attract Bucks on Your Terms
There is certainly no shortage of deer scents on the market, but how do you use them most effectively in the woods?
A recent blog post on the website offers some good ideas for hunters looking to bag a buck in the winter, with the top tips tied to taking advantage of scrapes that both bucks and does use as a way to communicate.
For example, using a scent-dripper system in an area of community scrapes will help attract bucks to an area during the day when otherwise it would be tough to spot them at that time. A key to success is finding major scrapes, which tend to grow as fall turns into winter.
Of course, a community scrape may not be in an optimal spot for you to get a good shot, so another popular approach is to create a mock scrape, more of a hit-or-miss proposition, but one that can also be effective.
And to bring a buck away from the most-traveled areas, it can be effective to create a drag line with doe scent, or to place a scent wick in spots where you have good shot lanes, hoping to create a situation where a buck stops for a moment.
As you devise your strategies, be sure to use scents that are approved for use in your state. Some states have banned the use of real deer urine, though synthetic and non-cervid scents (meaning they are not from the deer/elk family) are still allowed in those states.
PotlatchDeltic is a firm believer in following ethical and legal hunting practices, and the real estate experts in the PotlatchDeltic Preferred Broker Network are the right people to talk to as you look for a recreational property to call your own in 2019. Call or contact one of our brokers to start the process, so you can have a home base for all your hunting adventures!