Summer preparation will pay off in Hunting Season
A lot of factors go into a successful deer hunting trip, from setting up in the most advantageous location, to easily reaching your favorite hunting spot, to having all of your equipment in prime working order.
North American Whitetail has a good list of 10 tips for deer hunters as we head into summer. As a way to get started, think about organizing your planning around topics related to your hunting property, your equipment and your knowledge about area wildlife.
To enhance the property you hunt on, consider hunting-related practical considerations. Are the trails easy to get through, for example, and if not, does overgrowth around them need trimming? Also, how hospitable is the land is for deer, turkey and other wildlife? And in certain areas, now would be a good time to think about planting food plots.
Whether you hunt with a bow or rifle, now is a good time to check all your equipment to make sure it’s working properly, and to make sure you have all the ammunition you’ll need. Of course, it’s also a great time to practice and improve your aim. (That’s one of the tips among the 25 offered in a qualitylist on the website.)
Summer is also a great time to deepen your understanding of the area around your property, such as understanding the movements of area wildlife and how everything from fallen trees to water sources can impact the habitat. Installing game cameras is always a good idea.
And as you get your property and your equipment ready, check to make sure your hunting license is up to date, and brush up on the hunting regulations in your area.
Certainly, it’s easier for your logistical planning if you own your own property to hunt on. The experts in the Potlatch Preferred Broker Network are excellent resources in finding the spot that will be the perfect home base for your hunting trips and all your recreational activities. Summer is a good time to contact one now to get the process started.