Tag: Musick & Sons Auction & Real Estate Services
Don’t miss the Bighorn Adventure Show in Spokane!
VISIT WITH US AT BOOTH #240! Need more information? Visit the show website! Be sure to to check out our current recreational & hunting property listings before you come to the show and then stop in and find it on our maps! Want more information about recreational land, hunting, the outdoor lifestyle or simply to… more Don’t miss the Bighorn Adventure Show in Spokane!
Welcome to Boise Timber Ranch
If you’re looking for the ideal property to create your recreational haven, a place where solitude and quiet combine and hold a special appeal, then welcome to Boise Timber Ranch. For more information or to schedule a visit contact:Rick Musick, Listing Agent (208) 983-0069www.UCIdahoLand.comRick@UCIdahoLand.com
Buying Land: Can I Finance It?
THROWBACK THURSDAY. WE RAN THIS POST LAST YEAR AND LIKED IT SO MUCH, WE’RE RUNNING IT AGAIN. ENJOY! Often, one of the first questions to come up when folks consider a recreational property purchase is this: “Can I finance it?” Financing options depend on what area you’re in since financial institutions vary in their interest… more Buying Land: Can I Finance It?
Pros & Cons of Buying Land near Public Property
Recreational property buyers often wonder whether it’s a good idea to own land near public lands. In fact, it’s a question Potlatch Preferred Broker Rod Osterloh of Close~Converse Properties in Minnesota hears quite a bit. “The biggest advantage is you can buy a small piece of land and expand your enjoyment of it by accessing… more Pros & Cons of Buying Land near Public Property
Buying Land: Can I Finance It?
Often, one of the first questions to come up when folks consider a recreational property purchase is this: “Can I finance it?” Financing options depend on what area you’re in since financial institutions vary in their interest in making loans on land. For example, a number of conventional banks in Arkansas offer rural and timberland… more Buying Land: Can I Finance It?