Category: Timber Price
Consider Timber Quality & Value When Buying Recreational Land
Timber considerations can have a significant impact on your buying decision in several meaningful ways – they may be a big factor in your financial plans for the property, and they may be a key part of your evaluation of a tract for its quality of wildlife. So, it’s important to work with… more Consider Timber Quality & Value When Buying Recreational Land
Improve your Recreational Property without hurting Timber Potential
Making improvements to your recreational property can attract more quality wildlife, for sure. But it’s important that you don’t negatively impact a property’s potential timber returns in the process. Rob Haubry, an Indiana-based broker and forestry consultant, offers a good overview of ways to think about balancing these two objectives in two videos on the… more Improve your Recreational Property without hurting Timber Potential
Certifications show how PotlatchDeltic cares for its Property
If you’re looking to buy recreational property, it’s important to know the property you choose has been well cared for. But how can you be sure that’s the case? One easy way to get peace of mind is to buy from a well-respected timber company, like PotlatchDeltic, which is known for its commitment to quality… more Certifications show how PotlatchDeltic cares for its Property
Timberland Returns have held up vs. Inflation
As the stock market bounces around, PotlatchDeltic’s real estate brokers are often asked how rural real estate with timber on the property fares as an investment. While no one can predict the future, it can be helpful to study past performance of timberland as an investment. Forest Research Group has studied timberland returns vs. inflation… more Timberland Returns have held up vs. Inflation
What’s a Fair Price?
What’s a fair price to pay for that recreational property you’ve picked out? Getting to that answer is a key part of the buying decision, but can seem a bit complicated. After all, it’s different than determining the optimal price for a house in an area where there are comparable sales nearby. Tom Smith of… more What’s a Fair Price?